Here's the short version:
We are the current expression of a long line of followers of Jesus who have been meeting on the same plot of land for over 250 years.
The “Mennonite” in our name connects us to the Anabaptist movement that was launched a few centuries ago by people who believed that the call to follow Jesus was not a matter of religious observance but of total allegiance to Jesus which resulted in a transformed life.
Today, the word “Mennonite” has come to mean many things depending on who is using it. For us, it reminds of that original Anabaptist vision and calls us to continue to live in a way that is faithful to Jesus’ call on our lives.
If you’re interested in a more theological description of our beliefs, you can read a document called “A Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective”. This is a document that has been guiding the group of Mennonite Churches we belong to, called LMC.

Our Mission

Walking with Jesus

Transforming Lives