Mission Statement
In 2010, a three-part mission statement was adopted that keeps us focused on the three key movements of God’s people. Our ministry teams keep us focused and growing in each of these areas.

Walking with Jesus (Loving God)
By God’s grace, we walk with Jesus by…
- Nurturing our relationship with Jesus through regular prayer, study of His Word, and other spiritual disciplines.
- Working with His Spirit to bring every area of our lives – thoughts, words and deeds – into alignment with His love, truth and purpose.
- Living lives of thankfulness and worship

Impacting lives (Loving our neighbor)
By God’s grace, we impact lives by…
- Praying for the shalom of God’s Kingdom to come into every part of our community and world
- Giving of our time and resources to bless our neighbors, both near and far
- Sharing freely the story of God’s great love and inviting others to experience that love

Creating Community (Loving our brothers and sisters)
By God’s grace we create community by…
- Meeting regularly to worship, study, eat, play and serve together
- Walking in openness and transparency, giving and receiving counsel and encouragement in our shared life of faith
- Celebrating each other’s gifts and forgiving each other’s failings